Argumentative Essay


                            An Unapologetic Mindset Encourages Achievements  


How many goals have you set in your life? Hundreds? Thousands? Even more? How many of these goals have you achieved? Roughly 70 percent of people fail to achieve the goals they have set for themselves; for instance: some quit before they've even begun the first step out of fear, some were trolled out of success, stopped because they can't pinpoint their triggers, haven't established a community, or haven't created a micro-goal(s) before the end goal. Even though many individuals struggle to achieve their goals without falling into societal views, they distractingly stop them from reaching the setout goal. Remember always "Go Get Your Blessings...Unapologetically", because many adults struggle with accomplishing their dreams due to the mentalities they have, which hinders them and results in their failed goals being achieved.  


Many influencers have quit their jobs or discontinued their social media because of negative responses from trolls, which ultimately counteracted the purposes of their goals. For example, many trolls bullied Lizzo off her Twitter when her sole purpose was to celebrate all body types but instead had the opposite effect. Lizzo tweeted, "Yeah, I can't do this Twitter sh– no more... too many trolls. I will be back when I feel like it." Lizzo was well-known on Twitter for spreading "motivational thoughts and body image positivity." Unfortunately, this made her a "target for trolls and harassment... and would eventually "lead to her decision to leave the platform." (Chen). Most recently, Chrissy Teigen "announced her decision to leave Twitter" due to trolls when her main goal is to make people "happy" by sharing experiences and advice jokingly (Chen). However, instead, they should take a mental health break and return to collect their profit from doing what they love unapologetically.  Lizzo Quits Twitter After Being Trolled By "Internet Bullies"

There are benefits to identifying triggers and making micro-goals because it contributed to the 8% success rate. Identifying triggers can help you "better anticipate them and develop coping strategies in environments you can't control." For example, people think a good strategy for weight loss is to "simply remove all junk food from their homes." But they can run into "trouble at work, restaurant, where they have less or no control." We cannot change people or situations that trigger us, but we can learn to "marry a healthier response to a trigger" by "identifying and learning when to anticipate it." "Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."... Instead of tracking your progress toward "a goal or resolution with big milestones," try setting "micro-goals with reward structures that more frequently link action to satisfaction".... and "maintaining consistency is all about establishing the right cadence." These two factors hold a significant role in individuals' success. Therefore, anyone who desires to be a part of the 8% must apply to identify triggers and make micro-goals to their routine to achieve their long-term life goals. This article expresses how valuable Neuroscience is to achieving goals. Everyone must apply neuroscience to their habits to achieve their long-term life goals.  

  Setting Daily Goals Around Your One Thing Will Get You There - Goals,  Habits & Productivity - iCreateDaily | Daily goals, Goals, Habits

Establishing a community and being consistent increases the chance of achieving a goal(s). When building a community, whether online or offline, "you're creating an audience who comes to know, like and trust you "... People often think that "information is power and that information should be withheld, but by offering information to your audience for free, you then become an expert figure." "Rome wasn't built in a day"... So many people "give in and fall short of success. Balance and consistency are key. Make a plan and stick to it." This means committing to achieving your goals, and by making that commitment and showing up you'll be the first others referred to when in need of help. Therefore, once you change your mindset and follow the steps of creating a successful career, you'll be helping yourself and others. Taking action is the thing that often separates those who succeed from those who do not: without effort, nothing happens.  

Community Links – Ignacio Community Library

While some may believe Achieving goals is determined by their mentality, Truthfully, it's determined by natural skills. According to Mind Health, many people think anyone successful, a billionaire, or a celebrity is born with a God-given skill. People believe attributes, "such as talent and intelligence, are fixed—that's to say, they believe they're born with the level of intelligence and natural talents they'll reach in adulthood" (Smith). I can't entirely agree with the statement, and if this were true, there would be fewer successful people because no one is born knowing or doing everything they eventually learn. Typically, Fixed mindsets such as these can lead to negative thinking individuals avoiding challenges in life. The success of other people's fixed perspectives doesn't see intelligence and talent as something you develop—it's something you "are" (Smith). Therefore, no one should ever look at achieving goals as a God-given skill because People with a fixed mindset believe individuals' traits cannot change, no matter how much effort they put in, and are more likely to.  

  A Growth Mindset can help you be the best - Metrifit Ready to Perform


Overall, some lose track of why they began their journey to success they're on; however, the more awareness brought to this topic, the fewer people will struggle to achieve their goals without falling into societal views distractingly stop them from reaching the setout goal. Such as listing Micro-goals for themselves, learning their triggers, applying Neuroscience to their daily habits while staying consistent, and severing/ establishing their communities. Therefore, everyone needs to "Go Get Their Blessings...Unapologetically" by changing their mentality. 






Chen, Andrew. “Chrissy Teigen and More Creators Who Have Quit Social Media for Mental Health Published.” captive8.Io, 26 Mar. 2021, . 

Hunt, Elle. “Essena O'Neill Quits Instagram Claiming Social Media 'Is Not Real Life'.” The Guardian, 3 Nov. 2015, 

Maloney, Laura. "Using Applied Neuroscience to Achieve Goals In 2020 And Beyond." Forbes, 27 Dec. 2019,\. Accessed 1 Mar. 2022.  

Patterson, Rebecca. "Achieving Goals: Four Steps to Make Your Vision A Reality." Forbes, 2 Apr. 2020, Accessed 1 Mar. 2022.  

Robinson, Cheryl. "Hollywood Actress Tina Lifford Shares How Critical Inner Fitness is to Achieving Goals." Forbes, 7 Dec. 2021, Accessed 1 Mar. 2022. 

Smith, Jennifer. “Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset: How what you think affects what you achieve”. Mindset health, 25, Sept. 2020, Accessed 1 Mar. 2022. 

WINFIELD, CHRIS. “The 3 Things That Stop Most People from Achieving Their Goals Identify and Overcome These Three Obstacles to Achieve Any Goal You Set.” Inc, 3 Nov. 2015, . 


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